Frequently, the question arises regarding the Student Association’s benefit to Mississippi State University, to our community and to the individual student. Considering the previous year during my term, I would provide the explanations below as an attempt to answer that question.
Throughout the past year, I firmly believe we have continued to adhere to, and made strides to follow further, our organization’s purpose. The SA constitution’s preamble establishes the SA, “In order to promote student welfare and an academic environment; to further the activities of student life; to encourage a clear and continuous exchange of ideas between the students, faculty and the University administration; and to instill and promote a greater spirit of progress and loyalty for our alma mater.”
I would argue that, in addition to the programming and representational aspects mentioned by Rhett Hobart in his previous letter to the editor, the legislative branch has contributed significantly to each of our organization’s goals in the following ways. First, the senate currently in office is considering Resolution 12 which urges discussions with university administration promoting increased academic forgiveness policy hours, allowing for three courses to be retaken. Also, Resolution 6-2 and Bill 12 appropriate $25,000 to student groups across campus. Resolutions 6-1, 8, 13, 17 and 28 refer to presentations encouraging conversations between the university and students on issues such as the campus tobacco policy, bike usage on the Drill Field, study abroad opportunities and funding and parking concerns.
Each of those presentations occur during our regular, open-to-the-public senate meetings and includes time for questions and open discourse with top university administrators. Finally, Resolutions 20 and 22 approve and endorse the Reveille and the Bull Ring, two programs designed for the purpose of promoting a spirit of progress and loyalty for MSU.
The question occurs to me of how SA can allow greater visibility into its regular operations. Accordingly, the Senate Committee chairmen, the secretary and I are creating an outreach opportunity specific to the legislative branch to occur on March 20. We look forward to entertaining anyone interested in learning more about SA officials and our positions, roles or contributions to the university. We will establish a location and time in the near future, to be publicized with The Reflector and on our website.
I cannot describe how appreciative I am for the opportunity throughout this past year to represent this student body as vice president.
The Student Association remains an organization run by the students and for the students, and I welcome anyone to contact me at [email protected] with their questions and concerns.
Suggested resolutions seek to improve
Halston Hales
March 6, 2012
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