Sarah Story | The Reflector
"Make It Snappy" founder
Beginning your freshman year in a new town may sound daunting, but the fear slowly fades as you make new friends and get used to the surroundings—however, those late nights spent studying often call for food, and it can be annoying trying to find a ride to your favorite restaurant for a quick pick-me-up when you do not have a car or do not want to drop everything you are doing to leave. ‘Make It Snappy’ alleviates unnecessary stress and offers delivery to Mississippi State University and the Starkville area.
The delivery company is run by two former MSU students, Kiara Brown, former communications major, and Samantha Walls, former microbiology major, who are currently taking a hiatus from their studies before returning to school in the spring with plans to graduate next year. They deliver groceries, food orders and supplies, but do not deliver alcohol or tobacco.
Brown and Walls said they mostly deliver in Starkville, but occasionally travel to West Point or Columbus for additional charges.
“We deliver to and from every business. From as little as convenience stores, to big restaurants, grocery stores, dry cleaning and the list goes on,” Walls said. “If it’s in Starkville and you need it, we’ll deliver it.”
The girls have a deal with The Grill in Starkville, and if someone orders food from the restaurant through them, they will receive a free drink with each entrée.
The duo delivers Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. to 12 a.m., Friday and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. to 2 a.m. and Sunday from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m.
The company began in May with Walls’ desire to have someone deliver products to her for convenience’s sake. She said she knew the company would be able to assist a variety of people who were not able to or did not want to go to the store.
“This was an idea that I came up with on my own. The need for this type of business called for some help. This is why I had my friend Kiara to help me,” Walls said. “I knew that I would not be able to make deliveries within good timing on my own, so I needed to find a trustworthy partner.”
Walls and Brown said developing a plan to get the business started was easy, but it was challenging to get the word out about their delivery service.
“Advertising was the biggest obstacle,” Walls said.
She said she was concerned about safety when the business began, and the pair is vigilant and takes the necessary precautions to prevent harmful events from transpiring.
“We’re handling it by riding together at times when we can and always being alert and attentive,” Walls said.
Walls said there is currently not any set number of people the company tends to, but the number of calls received increase each day.
“I can say I get at least 10 calls a day, but we are expecting that number to increase big time,” she said.
The business partners are posting flyers and brainstorming new ideas to make their business successful. They also rely on their customers to help keep their business going and she hopes to expand the business to new depths one day.
“With success, this business shall be in every college town,” Walls said. “Until then, I’m more so worried about catering to my Bulldog family.”
She described the company as a business that permits students to have a way to get food or supplies without breaking away from their studies or fun.
“They can continue on with their daily lives while we bring them whatever they may need,” she said.
Make it Snappy can be found with the twitter handle @makeitsnappy_. For more information, please contact Make It Snappy via phone at 662-338-4999 or email at makeitsnappy7@gmail.com.