Taylor Bowden, The Reflector
Nguyen to return to school, attorney speaks on his behalf
Phu-Qui “Bill” Nguyen, former Mississippi State University computer engineering major and alleged “active shooter,” will reportedly return to school in Spring 2016.
Shortly after 10 a.m. on Aug. 27, MSU’s campus was disturbed by reports of an “active shooter” initially seen near Carpenter Hall. The Mississippi Highway Patrol had alerted the MSU Police Department of an “active shooter” on campus and the university responded with a Maroon Alert distributed to faculty, students and staff, warning about the potential threat on campus.
While a sense of panic filled campus, many false rumors circulated throughout social media suggesting fatalities, multiple shooters and audible gunshots. These rumors were false as Bill Nguyen was detained within minutes.
No weapon was found and no shots were fired.
Charles Yoste, Starkville attorney hired by Nguyen’s family, confirmed he received verbal communication that Nguyen will be allowed to return to school at MSU in Spring 2016, but nothing has been finalized through paperwork.
Yoste said he wants the public to know the former student is completely innocent.
“Bill was interrogated for hours in a psychiatric facility in Columbus after the incident,” Yoste said. “He was originally given an option to go to a hospital in Columbus or some place else with an understanding that he could sign out of the hospital. This was not the case. He later received a letter saying if he were to step foot on campus again he would be arrested. It took me several days to get him out of there, but I did.”
Although the situation created fear and panic amongst the Bulldog community, as well as a negative stigma that is now attached to Nguyen’s name, Yoste said the University acted responsibly after receiving the phone call about an active shooter.
“The university did receive a credible phone call and acted accordingly,” Yoste said. “Where does he (Nguyen) go from here,” Yoste rhetorically questioned. “He suffered, his family suffered and his family’s business was affected. He did not do anything wrong.”
According to Yoste, Nguyen’s belongings have been retrieved from MSU and thus far there has been no discussion amongst Nguyen and Yoste about filing a lawsuit.