Will McLellan, Mississippi State University lacrosse player, passed away Monday morning in Starkville. McLellan experienced a ruptured aorta, according to an email from his mother. She said doctors told her he died instantly. McLellan would have celebrated his 24th birthday Friday.
One of his close friends, Ben Leiker, 23, said he and McLellan’s roommates found McLellan in his bedroom of his apartment Monday afternoon.
McLellan graduated from State in 2011 with a business administration degree.
Leiker said he had known McLellan since his freshman year, and he was one of his favorite people at MSU.
“He was my brother. He was my best friend up here, and he lived for his friends. He lived to make them smile, and he lived for everybody’s happiness,” Leiker said.
Leiker said McLellan had a great sense of humor and cared deeply about the well being of his friends and family. Leiker said McLellan characteristically laughed harder whenever he made someone close to him laugh. He also said McLellan went out of his way for people he did not know, always willing to help.
“He wouldn’t take any of us sitting around for too long with-out getting us to do something exciting or fun,” he said. “He was happiest when he was making others happy.”
Leiker said his nickname, Ernest Will “Ernesto” McLellan, demonstrated his humor, while holding true to his family legacy as the fifth Ernest McLellan in his family. His family members, Leiker said, were the most important people in his life.
“He took his job as an uncle extremely seriously important, and what drove his passion in life was setting good examples for those kids,” he said.
Leiker also said McLellan was active in the MSU community.
“He was passionate about everything Mississippi State. He was passionate about the people he met here. No matter if they left or not, he was passionate about this Bulldog family,” Leiker said.
Leiker said McLellan was an active member of Baptist Student Union and a man of faith, which was a prominent factor in the way he lived.
Ben Hester, MSU lacrosse team captain, said McLellan was an active and valuable member on the team.
McLellan’s team remembers him as funny, carefree, a friend and team player. On Tuesday, Hester notified the team about the death of their teammate.
Hester said McLellan was hardworking, and it showed when he stepped out onto the lacrosse field. He said McLellan started playing lacrosse for the first time at MSU and was instrumental to building the program.
”He had a great work ethic and was always willing to sacrifice for his teammates,” Hester said. “He had a quick wit but was so thoughtful. I am so glad to have known him. He was a man of faith, and his family should be proud of the way he lived.”
Brandon Owens, another lacrosse player, said McLellan was one of the first people he met when he started attending MSU. He said he would remember McLellan by his passion for lacrosse, his competitive nature, his funny personality and all the jokes he cracked on the sideline.
“Whenever we saw each other he always smiled, hugged, all that good deal,” Owens said.
Owens said while new to lacrosse, McLellan “worked his butt off,” which made him a valuable team member.
One of the teammates, according to Owens, has put up T-shirts on the statues around campus and banners that say, “Win for Will.”
Hester said Sunday at 2 p.m. the lacrosse team will be dedicate its game in honor of McLellan. The game will be held at the intramural fields against Middle Tennessee.
McLellan’s visitation will be Friday from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., and the funeral will be Saturday at 10 a.m. Both will take place at Brantley Funeral Home. According to an email sent by McLellan’s mother, 160 MSU balloons will be released afterward, and cowbells will be rung.
McLellan’s parents said they hope to make this time a celebration of his life.